Astros: Well, if I could trade a winning season for a 3,000 hitter every once in awhile, then I would probably do it. It really gives me a sense of baseball tradition to actually have a player reach a milestone like this. We have always seemed so new compared to the majority of teams in the league, but now we have one of these guys too. And for anyone thinking Biggio is not a lock then you need to lay off the sauce. I heard some numbers the other night and it went something like this: Of the 18 2nd baseman in the hall of fame, he ranks 1st in runs, 2nd or 3rd in homeruns, 2nd or 3rd in doubles, 4th in this, 5th in that, etc. He did not rank any lower than 8th in any offensive category that matters. Not to mention, he played the game all-out all the time and was a class act off the field.
Rockets: Daryl Morey sure has been busy. (Much busier than Purpura who has his hands planted firmly on his behind.) Are these winning moves? Who knows? I know we have picked up three guys whose charcter has come into question before. Do they suck up their pride and play like this is their last chance to be on a good team? Or do they tear apart a team with a closing window of opportunity? It should be interesting to say the least. I just hope Francis has learned what to do with the ball when he gets up in the air. I was one of his biggest fans, and adopted the Stevie Franchise moniker earlier than most of my friends because of his sheer athletic ability. The problem was he didn't seem to let the game ever slow down from a maturity level which is where he got into trouble. Here's hoping it works out. I sure would like another 4 just in case cola scola isn't all that and a bag of chips.
Texans: Whooo hooo, training camp opened for the team that knows how to lose better than anybody in the business. Matt Schaub, Andre Johnson and bunch of pretenders trying to look like #2 receivers and frontline running backs. Until they prove me wrong thats all this offense is right now. I am looking forward to a pass rush for the first time since the team began. I mean a real pass rush. Okoye should help Ryans and Williams equally which means bad things for the rest of the league. Hopefully our secondary won't have to cover guys for like 7 and 10 seconds. Deion freakin Sanders couldn't hold guys as long as the Texan secondary has been asked to. Koobs: This is make it or break it for you. Let me see some offensive genius. If you blow it with your second hand picked guy, then we will be calling for your job. We are tired of losing, and we don't need any more smoke blowed up our butt.
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